It’s easy, you just have to leave a comment under this post with the number of the picture you like best. We leave you here the list of finalists:
1 Virginia Mostazo, 2 Antonio Ramos, 3 Antonio Rubio, 4 Arantxa Lopez, 5 Arvi Guerra, 6 Carolina Galiano, 7 Estefania Perez, 8 Francisco Palma, 9 Isidro Hurtado, 10 Patricia Jurado, 11 Patricia Rodríguez, 12 Rafa Roldan, 13 Rosa Galiano , 14 Adela Navarro.
We would like to thank the rest of the participants who unfortunately are not among those selected.
On Wednesday, 3rd of June we will publish the three most voted pictures and the date for the awards ceremony.
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