One more year, Benagalbón wears its best suits to celebrate the fair in honor of Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria. Since Friday 2nd of February, patron’s day, until Sunday 4th, this charming area from Rincón de la Victoria receives the visit of thousands of locals and visitors to celebrate this fair.
The fair in honor of La Candelaria is the first of the four festivities held in Rincón de la Victoria, Málaga. This fair unifies the main traditions of the town with a busy agenda full of events and activities for children, youths, adults and seniors.
In this 2018 edition, along with the procession of Virgen de la Candelaria and San José, the musical line-up will be: the Malaga group “Electroduendes”, the artist José Ortega-Manzanita and the well-known “Orquesta Mondragón”.