The Rincon de la Victoria Town Hall has announced the tendering of the works for a new playground to be located in Calle Estados Unidos in Urbanización Anoreta for an amount of 140,282 euros.
This is for the creation of a new children’s play area in the northern part of Anoreta on a surface area of almost 700 square meters which will cover the demand for this type of facility in this residential area.
The company Lappset ESpaña V.R., S.L. has been awarded the project for 215,380 euros, which simulates the shape of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. It is 31 meters long by 14 meters wide and has a maximum height of 6 meters and is made of galvanised steel.
The project includes an important movement of the ground to adapt the existing topography of the plot and infrastructures for the collection and conduction of rainwater from the northern area of the surface, until it is connected to the municipal network that runs along Estados Unidos street.
The new recreational area will also have other playground equipment for children between 0 and 3 years of age, picnic tables and awnings for shade.
The works project has a completion period of 2.5 months and the deadline for submission of bids will remain open until 31 May at 15:00 hours in the Contractor Profile section of the Municipal Website.
Children’s playground equipment
The supply of this unique, large-scale playground equipment consists of galvanised steel structural elements that simulate the shape of a dinosaur, comprising the head of the animal, and seven trapezoidal arches like ribs that form the body and the tail.
On top of these structures are placed sails simulating the skin, providing shade to the different games that are placed under the ribs of the dinosaur.
Structurally, it is made up of a frontal element representing the animal’s head, which is followed by seven trapezoidal arches of different sizes and orientations, which together trace the line of the body. They will be placed on concrete foundations that have already been laid.
Rectangles of rubber represent the teeth and the rest is made of steel tube and perforated sheet metal. The head is joined to the main body by means of a cylinder of stainless steel mesh of 10 meters of diameter, electro-welded to form cells of less than 80 milli meters, the lower part of which contains a layer of EPDM.
The element incorporates ropes and ladders and includes rope climbers, a steel tube play slide with balancing spheres and different balancing bars, etc.