Rincón de la Victoria will celebrate its traditional Noche en Blanco 2019 on Saturday, June 1st, reaching its VII edition. There will be more than 20 activities but it will be extended with more offer for young people between 12 and 18 years old.
The cultural and leisure day includes a wide program with more than 20 activities with music shows, theater, exhibitions, children’s activities, open days, readings, but also guided tours distributed among the four towns of the municipality. As a new feature this year, more activities have been proposed for youths between 12-18 year old, such as board games or scape rooms at Centro Municipal de Juventud.
The VII Noche en Blanco will start at 06:00PM with several children’s shows and storytelling distributed in the four towns of the municipality.
From 07:00PM, a show of Spanish dance in the City Hall, a musical performance of Wasabi Cru at Plaza de la Constitución and a performance of the School of Music Francisco Jurado will be held in Rincón de la Victoria. In this amazing municipality, you will also enjoy the exhibition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone at the CEIP Manuel Laza Palacio; same place where a Spanish dance show of Mar Raigón and a concert by the students of the Municipal School of Music will also be hosted.
Círculo Cultural Bezmiliana will carry out a set of activities in the Public Library of Torre de Benagalbón with musical performances, a poetic reading in honor of Manuel Alcántara, and the photographic exhibition ‘Rincones de Rincón’. Furthermore, the theatrical performance ‘Bernarda’ will take place at Sala Las Musas of La Cala del Moral.
The inner courtyard of Rincón de la Victoria’s City Hall will host the VI Meeting of Noctiluca Children’s Choirs and the choir concert of the municipality with the participation of Coro Seaside Singers, Coral Santa Cecilia and El Castillo from 08:00PM.
Starting at 08:30PM, there will be several activities such as music shows of the bands The Chicken in the kitchen and The PQS Little Big Band, a theatrical monologue show performed by Compañía Sinakto and a representation of the Greek tragedy will also be ready to be enjoyed; but also different performances of gospel choir, zarzuelas and Spanish music. Moreover, an interesting lecture about Málaga and its mysteries is an appointment that can be missed. But if you want to have a laugh or two, the comedy ‘Mi gran noche’ will be played by the Municipal School of Theater. All of this will take place at Plaza de la Constitución, Torre Almenara, Sala Las Musas, CEIP Laza Palacio, Centro de Interpretación del Folclore Malagueño of Benagalbón and Casa Fuerte Bezmiliana.
Noche en Blanco 2019 will end with the concert of the Municipal Music Band of Rincón de la Victoria at 10:30PM in Plaza Al-Andalus.
The exhibition halls Casa Fuerte Bezmiliana and Mare Nostrum will remain open to the public with the following exhibitions: ‘Hombres y barcos’ and ‘Tilcara-Quebrada de Humahuaca’. Museo de Artes Populares of Benagalbón will keep its own exhibitions as well. In addition to this, there will be free guided tours to the Treasure Cave.
All activities are free and will be distributed in more than a dozen locations: public buildings, cultural spaces, promenade, squares, streets, and educational centers.
Here you can check the program of Noche en Blanco 2019.
Noche en Blanco 2019 program.