Rincón de la Victoria will bring together the authors Sara Barquinero and Miguel Ángel Oeste on 6 February at 19:00 at the Casa Fuerte Bezmiliana.
This meeting is part of the IV Literary Festival of America and Europe ‘Escribidores’ created by the Vargas Llosa Chair, which is joined by La Térmica, the Contemporary Culture Centre of the Malaga Provincial Council and the Rincón de la Victoria Town Council.
The literary festival will hold a total of three round tables with authors such as María Dueñas, Sara Barquinero and Miguel Ángel Oeste, among others, on 5, 6 and 7 February in the towns of Ardales, Rincón de la Victoria and Benalmádena.
More information and full programme at: https://escribidores.org/