Late April welcome the beginning of May with cultural emergence in the municipality of Rincón de la Victoria. Both towns, Benagalbón and La Cala del Moral, celebrate their cultural weeks with a huge range of activities and leisure offers for everyone. A unique opportunity to get to know the roots and traditions of our people.
The Cultural Week of Benagalbón deserves special attention as it is the oldest one in Rincón de la Victoria, and it reaches its XXIX edition in 2018. This one is a special one with no doubt due to the tribute to the poet and writer Manuel Alcántara, the celebration of the microteatro show (short play) called “En breve”, the XVI Young Art Painting Outdoors Competition “Paco Alonso” or the embodied Short Film Contest “Cortoben” on its fifth edition.
Click here so you can download all the information of this XXXIX Semana Cultural de Benagalbón
Likewise, La Cala del Moral also celebrates its XXVI Cultural Week from April 30th to May 6th, which includes the Cruz de Mayo Festivity and the Romería(Pilgrimage) in honor to Virgen del Rosario.
Click here so you can download all the information of the XXVI Semana Cultural de La Cala del Moral