The Casa Fuerte Bezmiliana will host the family educational concert by Quíntenlo BrassAxarquía from 12.00. One of the most spectacular activities aimed at the house’s youngest members, where they will be able to listen to soundtracks and learn more about music and its instruments.
The Al-Ándalus Square will be the setting for the Fit Kid exhibition by the Gym Victory school from 1pm.
Also in the Al-Ándalus Square, but at 6.30pm, the Petiswing concert will take place.
Sunday 27th
The week will end with a triple date in La Sala de las Musas and Al-Ándalus Square.
At 12.00 the book “Manuel del Campo: Living History of Music in Malaga” by the pianist Paula Coronas will be presented in the Sala de las Musas. At the same time, in the Al-Ándalus Square we can enjoy the voices of the choirs El Castillo and Tantanakuy in a Christmas concert.
In the evening, at 19.30, the locals will be able to enjoy the flamenco show “Semblanza Navideña” by the artist María Cortés.
To attend is necessary to make a reservation by email:
And it is very important to indicate for which specific event the reservation request sent by e-mail is for!
All the events will be carried out under the preventive measures of security to avoid contagion by the COVID-19.
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